Thursday, September 17, 2009

Maybe getting better?

Last night the 16-year-old with the temper actually made dinner from an Italian cookbook. She also stayed and conversed with the adults like a real human being. And tonight, Lexi wasn't sent to the corner once. She likes to talk a lot and never really stops as long as she's awake. After a few hours of her constant voice it's enough to drive anyone insane. I see now that God made toddlers cute so their parents (or guardians) wouldn't drop them off a cliff in the night.

She is soooo darn cute, though. Now she's getting picky about what she wears to day care, so I just lift her up and have her point to the clothes she wants in her closet. We usually have to negotiate, as she's likely to choose pants and top that clash. Not that anyone is going to judge her on fashion at day care, but hey, she should at least look like someone cares, right?

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